Wednesday 6 April 2016

I'm Back and Better Than Ever!

Big news, bra haters and lovers!

In an effort to move into this millenium, I’m going to be hanging out on a shiny new site now, The Skeptical Bra Blog. Don't worry, will stay right here in all its un-tech-savvy glory--it's not going anywhere, and I won’t be removing any content from here. All the old posts will stay up, but you'll be able to see them on the new site too (with the original comments!). New posts will be published on the new site, so click here for the newest bra snark!
I’ll be posting about the full-bust bra landscape, life with boobs, and figuring out your shape.
Above all, I’ll be writing about how your boobs don’t have to take over your life. If you don’t want to be all-busty-all-the-time, you don’t have to be. If you don’t want to wear special full-bust clothing brands, you don’t have to. If you’re not sure how you feel about having a fuller bust and are curious to see if you can make your boobs blend in rather than standing out (some of the time or all of the time), I can help.
This hasn't been an instant update, and I thought long and hard about the best way to move forward with Bras I Hate. In the end, I wanted to have my cake and eat it too--move into the future without changing everything about the past. 

Let's just say I do not find web design particularly...intuitive, but I recognize it's an important tool to help me share the knowledge that does come naturally to me, so with the help of my really smart friends, I've made it a priority. 

Thank you again to all my loyal, awesome readers! Please bookmark and share the new site. 

If my blog has helped you over the years, why not thank me with your dollars? You can tip me using the super-easy button to the right (check the menu on mobile!) Or if you'd like to show your support with any custom amount, you can head on over to my Paypal page. Thanks for your support, financial and otherwise!